Get to know your hosts.

Dan Donald
@hereinthehiveEx-BBC now Front-end Lead at @mccannmcr. Speaker & writer. Check @upfrontconf, @fluxflexibility, @speaktheweb, @breakthepage & @markof1000evils

Jack Sheppard
@madebysheppardLead Designer @re_systems. Occasional speaker. Organiser of @speaktheweb & @upfrontconf http://madebysheppard.vsco.co/

Simon Owen
@s10wenFront-End Developer from Manchester, UK ★ Running @upfrontconf @Mcr_FRED @digiHike ★ Loving GitHub, open source, learning, teaching and doing cool stuff.

Katie Gallagher
@katiegallagherGeek Wrangler Extraordinaire, Managing Director of Manchester Digital. Sworn enemy of pigeons & geese.

Rachel Thompson
@rachietpAward-winning tiny dictator. Marketing & Events Manager @mcrdig also. http://rachietp.tumblr.com
Questions? Contact us on @upfrontconf or rachel@manchesterdigital.com.